Fort Worth Daily Gazette from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Daily Gazettei

Fort Worth, Texas

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absolutely Pure 1 never variei A inarvjt oJ pa Stta and wnolosomonesa More act ordinary kind and cxnuc tbe Sitompttlon with tho mnltltnds nlmn or phospbMi Aitoit welsht i PanElBGtric TelephonB Co rart Worth Exchange 1i now In lull Willi ovet OJ0 aubaarlbsrs KATKS LiCliwiclloriiair month 1300 3 00 260 satnd Office on application will fn ittfcrlbors messenger boys to rnn on lthintni for tho service of mexsen Yiit forth Cnt half hour for each roil Uslf hour or fractional part there Estate Mortgage Loans tred for borrowers In North Texas OttSLlEN MJTTS IDItCIIASEl orreapomlonoo Invltod tuFHANK AVOHAl Successor to ANCIS SMITH CO Kort Worth lexiu i mm WtRenindf lor UmComplaliits ami ttt caused ukciI or torpid condition of tlift Lirer a Vjt owipttion HilloDxnekS Jaundice Headache Ri iirMUirortc It riralatflithfboweKpurl in vtr neiriang th aratrm iM dilution VALUABLE FAMILY MEDIOINB andsnf testimonials provo Its niarlta HOUtJUTWILLTElAlOU ITB Iiri OTATWH INKEYE asrlnble Cnro of a Horse BubFleming prominent cro Jirtunt member of the ilrm at nd Lofton Augutta Or makes ffsnatunen of the treatment of horse with HwIUh Specific SlloriMi I nail luasle rolt Uitsoveraouoof plnkeje whloh tnot fourfol of bioad Ili eversoeu After eight or TiA0doc lh ovory remedy Js 1 I doiratrod of a care nsthehorse was unubo to move swollen llmbj Ills rltht hinds rauiin body and had on Mi nmC B0rl hnd alio a on his hoy and other Vnt most pltlabtrlooklri ob ved to end his BUir rlnir 11 Ji5l un win valuable an I L4i 01 Hnt to l0 um AttT lm mu i starch ruuotber rem fflwinus I thought of Hwlfts hi BwJlt was Invaluable to the Tnblo purtlle and wbv hi Jr th8 an Tell ppty ttl lasluly toAtlan Uea ment with oz of 8 linn a dey This I il rB 1T Then I 1 rieisodlbe ach aDd continued Tor a SiJlnc taei 11 8or nd ran it I went back to 0 ox agala Tf oH1 been I of thn tlrm week fVarl P0etite which had lii si lmess the end of even Greater improvement ror or tho tores were the horse manlfe a hJ1Rboul At tho end or tho beean to Bh iw aln In flnh PP llo Hie awellne had I need In an about 15 UfcTu101111 and when I quit kin V1 ul lour small sores amt ud they healei up lmme ViJ rm tom of tn disease tf 4i IPto date no signs of tho mC1019 ve made their an hV Ujr9 has done mule1 ra Ms 18 of th mnt remarkable li eor known Thus this great nih I1 hiM to tho animal nnroaaraco tO JA1L F1SMIKQ Mfrte 00 bl00d na gln dlelket Tllic Rwijt 8i i irio Co DraperHrtUnU Ga Mpt TO VSaASalNATIS fInIa Mo BhIners Thirst for wood or a Federal Officer tSTowN VA 8 May n8 at an early Lour some Deputy Unlt Siatr Mar Alhlnion the window of Atii oaM la he custom sblL nd not rty where ido iWu PMty Bl through d7h bulot Jn mlMlng beell ffi IM lhla8t tour In lm year anul8vlohloraof nter toVn erl conrtla now In 4 lbou 0 shuer8 8ro ln t0WP Lehfi hHt 0De ln Hedloi dso 8lln8t At Snj VU hlu In life has rquently SilimakeUl keUl ro ut mtoji twne Anaer THE GAZETTE PORT WORTH TEXAS SATURDAY MAY 0 SUPREME COURT Bjoopjis of Decisions Bendored at ths Austin Bittlrg of tho Sa ptems Court Mado Up From the Full and Official Eo port of the Rulings and Opinions Ktndered The Enjoinder Suit of tho Hallway vs the Rosedtle Street Hallway Afflnned Texas A Paclilo Katlway Comnnny vs tho Ro odale Street Rallwuy Company from Tarrant county Tula was a eult by appellant to perpetually en In the npptlle from constructing Its track bcr i tUo yard nldinits and track of the former and operating Its car thereon ln tho city of Kort Worth at a point where It is claimed by the nppellee that tho yard sidings and track of the nppolNnt la crossed by Jennings avenue a public Htrttt On trial the prellminniy njuuctlnn was disKolved and the cult dUmlesed Tho real contested issuo of fact ln this case was whether the Jennings avenue was a public street and crossing the yard of the appellant at tho ixilnt claimed by appellee Upon that isauo the evidence aa dlscloted by the record waa full and fully authnrled the court to hold that Jenniurs aveuuo was a public utroet in tho city of Fort Worth and that It extended ucroBH the yard Hidings and track of tho appellant at the point clnlmid by the appellee Under tho state of capo developed by tho evidence the appel lant contends that as tho to tho laud constituting tho yard was in it tho constructing maintaining and operating the street car line would constitute such additional taking or damogo to the laud aa would require the right of way therefor to bo condemned by tho exercise of the right of mlneut domain In a largo niiiubr of cases including 125 Maps 515 27 Wis 13 78 Hid 2G8 and 14 Ohio 6 523 the doctrine has been eeaerted hat the construction aud operation of a horse railway on tho public atreeta of a city by authority from tho city government is not such a new or additional burden imposed upon the li ud as would entitle tho owner of the feo to com pen ankm therefor or that it would amouut to such taking or damage us would require a condemnation of the right of wny This doctrine as op pos to the contrary one announced In 39 by a divided court la the correct one But It it contended that by reason of the pi cullar wording of our constitution fotoign nuthoriliea can havo no weight in this state The provision leferred to as follows No persons property shall be taken damaged or destroyed for or applied to public use witbout tdtquato oompeu aatiini ticing livid Tin position is not well takon With us lo cl authorities havo tho pjwor to consent thaHbtiMiretts of tneeity may bo used to a reasonable exit nt by nireetrall way lines Const Art 10 Bee 7 It i5 further complained that the open tlon of the proposed street car line will greatly Inconvenience tho appellant In tho of itatitiiugH etc Tho objection Is not tenable Jennings avenue is a public street running across the yards of the appellunt and cousuutly uiwl by the public aa such In and by nil the uaual and ordinary means of ciivoyance On this subject note the comment this court In 00 Tex 144 Affirmed It jbertsou by guirdKn vs Coitea et al from MoLeuuau county It Is now well settled that wh It become4 necena ry to revive a judgment all of tho defenduuw must be mado ptirttea and if any of them have died tlirlr reprr en ntlves niuxt be joined 18 rex 544 21 Tex S5S And when the fines ion of liile I Involved If the defendant ha tranpfrrreu tho properly his vendee mu also ho jilntd lu the scire facias 40 Tex 59 But when tho original defendant Is ill living it is not ueceewtry to make hia vendees parties to tho proceedings to rovlvo 3 Itawlo 278 The only known encumbrance upon tho laud in tlila ease waa the mortgage given by but In thla instrument the mortgagor lOfervid the right to sell fort be purpose of discharging hia liability But lor such reservation the purchaser must havo taken tho Itnd at hia peril becauso ho would bo bound to know that the mortgage might bo foreclosed It contended that the decree of foreclosure in this cuso revoked Its right to sell whut tho rnort cago rtserVtd Even if 00 tho case uot met since aa the right to sell wa of record In ihoeouuty wher tho land lay the revocation of tho name abould also havo been thtre recorded Affirmed Delk et al va run hord et al from Hill county See 65 Tex 300 former report of this ca wherein it waa correctly held that the agreement of April 185 waiving miJ ludor of partita plaintiff and causes of action la binding not only upon the orhflnol partita but upon all wbo purchased of theuipendlnjiauit and who have aince mado tbemstlvea turtles The agreement tim properly udmltted lu evidence It la aligned as error tUat the court erred lu admitting the certified transcript from Austin county court ahowlug tho grant of letters of ndmln istratlon upon tho estate of Pun oharddeceasrd and the partition of tho 1uuchifcd grant of land among heirs The administration was opened in March 1838 when nit proceedings relatiug to successions were reiftilated by the Louisiana laws lu almllHr cwea UartBIjf Art 983 Punchard when ho died was a citizen of Austin county and admin UtraMon wa9 properly opened In that iwtyiCit CodelLa 1838 Art 029 While the civil code of Ln Art 1US4J require an udmlnhtrator appointed by the courto give Rood andbutllcidnt aecunly It uowhtre itqolrw more tnan one eec*nty to hia bond Plain In claim under th1 grant to tlfU error Peter Fleming March 15 18 whilst under thdefendanw in err tain the Punchard grant of July 0 1835 Plalutifla in error who claim no1 inter eit under thta last nt nnot be tho partition of Uie heard to Impeach latter BrantTn this collateral JK ff from the recitals In It Intr appears this laat giant mat while it waa Iua Xi Punchard heirs of il to Punchard decessed It was In fact baeed unoli the Immigration to and ttilfwent in the colony or Punchard oor that ho wni tho head of a family and waa otherwlo qnbtlfled under tho colonization lam he court did not err In construing tho grant made ln trust for the helr of Joseph Punchard deceased and aa lnurlup to them It li claimed by the plaluulfii lu error that tho Fleming grant through which they claim embraces and lucludea the laud lying between tho Fl ygerald and Weathered sitrvoys aa ahowu on the map The defendant ln error aaort that tho Punchatd grant covera ond embraces that land and that tho Fleming grant isfltuated ln McLennan county In view of the evidence a dhchsed by the record tho Jury correctly found that the Puncuard graut embraced the land in controversy Atllmied 1 DKOATU1C Capturing the University Tho Street Working Ordinance Unpopular Bneslal DuuATuu Tfx May 7 We are to havo tho university The cltl enB met in massmeeting yesterday aud acceptid Prof Colliers proposition to locato tho university hero for a bonus of 16 000 and a building fille Thla with the railroad that la comlug villi make Decatur quite a city llahell and Dr Embry havo returned from Ctllfornta looking greatly Improved In health Mr llal Hell atorta for Dallas to morrow to at tend federal court where a damage suit ia pending ufcalusl him Ulman Co a now rook storehome ia nearly completed When completed it will bo occupied by Win Ilaaa nowa dealer Your correspondent mado a trip through the country generally during tho past week and found tho crops lu line condition considering tho recent heavy ralna Wo havo the llneat prospect for a large jleld lu thla county wo have had since the war Our cliiuus are holding indignation memorial meetings agalust tho street worklug ordinance They say It is not only against public policy and lm inanity but against the constitution of the atato They aay that It ihe council dnea not repeal thoordlnanco they will vote to abnlUh the city charter If so wo bid farewell to Decatur hchoola Iluclilins Arnica 8aire Tho beat calve in the world for cuts bruises eorea ulcere silt rheum fever sorea ttttor ohapped hands chilblains coma and all skin eruptions and positively etirea piles or no pay required It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price 25 centa per box For ealo by II WllllaniH To MIDLAND WewOomers Investing In LandKarr Movers Nuptials Special Midland Trx May 7 Mr Baker of Chicago has purchased a section of school land ami will move on It at once with tils family nud commenco tho work ofproparlug the land for farm lug and ar ek rnii ng Mr Welter is now established on hU section north of town Ho has one of tho most prominent building altea in the uelgtib rh Mr lingers will completo tho north wing of his pasture In Audrewa county aud wilt aooii stock it Ho has purchased 11000 hiad of cattle to prepare for the Northern market Mr Tickle of Llv rpool Eig hti tiled on tour school eectloua tor him self hia BOU8 and their families He will oommence farming and raising stock aa anon as ho run nriango his buslneta aiTAlre In tho old country and relurn Married on tho 0th instant by ColA Stone at the residence of Qen MclC mi1 aevonteou mile northwest ot Midland Mr Karr and Mrs Sarah Modern The correspondent in wipauy with a number of other invited guests lefc Midland at 10 am malclug the trip lu two hours just ln timo to witnese tho marriage oere niony and to uccjpt a eeaf at the first table To the creditor Mr and Mra Moouey Mra McKenle and others of the family we must vay the dinner was A No 1 both to quality and quantity Music was furiilahed by Mr Tom Karr and Miss Cranston Mr Sam Karr the groom is one of our beatcltlana Having epentsevrral hours under tho roof of our hospitable friends Messrs McKonzleand Moony our party accompanied by the newly wedded couple returned to Midland where ariatiKomenta had been mailu for their reception at the Llano hotel 1 he Common 111 my In order to make headway against tho common enemy disease it is mcessary to npporo him with persistence It very frequently happens that a remedy perfectly adequate to the necetaltlea of tho case if persisted in ia condemned and thrown aaldo because a few doses of it do not euro a malady How unreasonable and unjust would such it Judgment be regarding Hostetttr Btomueb Bitters one of tho most popular and highly eauc tloned medlcinca of tho day a potwt luvlgorant and an Invariably auccea ful remedy for constipation dyspepsia liver complaint Incipient rheumatism neuralgia aud gout inactivity and weakuers of the kidneys and bladder and forthelnllrrnitiea incident to the decline of life No fact Is better ct tabllshed than the above yet In order to experience its truth thoae aflllcted with obBtluate forma of disease thould give thla benignant curative a patient trial If they do they may rely upon decisive curative rwult Ileducd Freight Kites CnioAao III May 8 Advicea received here slate that tho trunk llneahaye decided to reduce rates on cattle to the baale of 30 centa from Chicago to New York and on sheep to 40 centa The reduction takes effect from May 118S5 ThU reduction carries with It a corresponding reduction in the dreased beef ratee wnich are 75 per cent of tho cattle ratee Before Breakfast Always use Bcrodont and rub it In well It gives such pleasant relief from parched toueua resulting from oleep pr motea the healthful cre tlona of the mouth It will Ooat for meat and auch things hut dont begrudge it JIoLLiDAtancao Pa Nov II JMJ Ke ifATKITiat lUugwonn Isoiass Lleh Irorllns cal lie 5 Dandruff earber Or cera audi nilierw hiad Itch aod every iptoe IcUnz ly and tlmply Honora of the HopandHklnari curd tbe Cuticura Ileujlvenltbontw tloo purifierInlernnlly andCJiIcaraandCnt cur 8p Hie gieal tkln cares and beautlflers exUruslly whou al kn WU remedies rati sjold evryvrnmr ulftnrs eeutsjHap 14 uuts Ufa Iveit I Ireuarid by tba 1rrinUKOuxM cuukcax lic tou Mass and for Hutc to Oar Hkla piseases XX iklnbMuJ6 fl byCcK0 A WAT C7AU 01 ItCSSIA TERRIBLE CONFLICT Tho groat wai impending between EmHud aud Russia induces us to publish tho abovo pictures Eugland with nlmost unlimited resources efi men and money la begging for an honorable peace Uus la nrrogaut and ovorboarlug demands Avar to 1 unite her pooplo and sustain her tnt torlngomplro England from her Indian posiofsioni alone con put one million men In tho ll Id and there Is mora money today In Lombard atreet Loudon than hero Is In tho balance of tho world If thoro la war tho eud ciubofceen Prlhooof Wtvleaof Eug land ia virtually King of India The Prlncem of Wales ia now trawling lu Ireland lookiug atound to sco what can bn dono to please thn Irish people Tho Irish nro good soldiers Ituswla una population of 010 hiitidnd mil lion England tins a population with posstsalont of threu hundred mil lion SOFTENS PRESERYES IFHTHER BOOTH aud HIIOlflH 2DB Mini Btrso yO BEWARE OF COUNTE tFEITS i lnim 13 The speediest and most certain medicine in the globe ALL FAMILIES USE IT A Hack Kalargeil Joints laialjsls llliHiimatlsin Nn irnlicln mphtho I la Hclallea Irolupsus Uteri ITemula AVeaUueu The best aud only certnln remedy 10 relelrr pnln it nil kinds no matter how loun sutndliiK lusinnl relief nuarauteed cripples Swollen Varicose Vein IhKs luteals 01 Hies Headache No oil or grease lean andsacot will mil soil Inllaminallfin of the Kidneys Itrlghls lilniHiv lllabeles Ineoiiliueiice of the Urine Is the only Unlm lu the word pcssLsslUBHllarHtfveie wer an he tnsn Inermlly cures Cramp ana colic Dl arrhata and lit sentry Sold br all Drugglds Trial Bottle 25 ctt Writ Db iiLT llox JIS2 Ik 1 who will alvnudvlceoii mi discuses free of rharjfe llewuro of unrcrupuloiis Ucnlers aud counterfeit rim genuine has tho nanu blown In lb KlaHs tnd facsimile of the uls cicrcr lsualure over each cork JAMES GILFORD MaoafscWerefire mprorwldoubleihlck XJlaaitlo Ofolt and oiaMKNOP Rooiri cj Also general agent far 8s endon lm prori Iron KouOis uae supplied at WboKsajs vines 111 MAIN BTKKKr FOBT WORfH TEX Mr aallorastlciiins and ssropli Uiiuio or miiu Ihcry iiioce sootls buloro nianulnciuretl for im Into Clothing Is thoroughly tostnl mul hiiohkciI so that uo aWU bo sure tho gnrmtiil will not 1iio or slirHilt mul Uio bast ndvortliing that wo can go is tho in also given to us by ur customers who have bought of us for the past two jcniv We offer bargains in ladlea boots shoea aud ellppera Ctlt attention to our ladies and misses kid slippers at 75 sold lu the hiuh priced stores nt I 25 Wo offer Ikurgalna In meua aud boys woul hata Wo oiler bargains In mons boyH1 and mlasea straw hata We oiler bargains ln mens and biiya boots aud shoes Wo oll bargains ln ladles mens and ohildreun hose Wo oiler bargains in mens shirts Wo sell tliebnHthtteiauiideiodahlrtaatllSltt5andt160 over sold lu tho atato Wo oll btrgalua lu all kinds of ohovlota ptirctls aud pooMicker for mens shirts and chlldreuo wulsts We ofler bargains In boys clothing and good bargain because boyH wear out their clothing bo liit that moth era ctntiot alTord to piy high prices for them Wo ollVr handsome fancy prima at 6 0 and 7 cents Wo offer bargains in blotchtd shirtings Wo offer bargalualu bleached sheetings Wo offer bargains In woolen cotton aud linen goods for boys olothing Wo offer 100 ploces bountiful fast colored nrint lawns tit 6c woMi 10c Wo offer 20 piece Merrlnmo sateen ross gooiis very slightly damaged at 15c considered cheap in other storen at 2 Wo oll 20 pl vot Mr rrliuna eateon dress goora ut 20o 30c la tho price in other toro Wo nllor 100 meua odd coats at 5350 worth 0 Wo filler bargains In dry goodw Wo offer bargains In white gooda We idler excellcntstnall checked glnghsniantlOoliud the book fold Scotch chtcka at lii Wo offer excelhintdreiaglughauisutlOo saino quality as sold In the highprlctd houses at 12o Wo offer a good bargain lu all wo 1 fancy cassltuerca at 1 no hotter gooda aold ovory day in thlu town at ll i and 1 60 Wo offer thn I eat ladles coreet nt 7u evor sold in Texts tho prleo We oiler tho beat ladlea oorast at over mild at the price InTfxus We nro aolllng the ba lluon at 2 3 oversold at tho price in tho United Stutea Wo oro eelllng tho best lluon towcla at J150 a dozau oversold at tho price In Texas We are Belling excellent bargains lu whlto audooloied table damask Wo oilor 100 mens coats and vosta at 5 worth 10 Tho reason we mako these very low price on tho above goods Is because they nro little too light for winter aud little Uio heavy for outumor We offr 100 nieua odd coats nt 1 60 worth 13 50 Wo oiler 100 mens allwool ca sl mere units at 50 such goods ns an sold ln all highpriced stores at 12 Wo offer 100 mens nilwool cst mcru sul nt 0 worth tlO Wo offar 100 itieda nilwool oa mere at M0 i 6 la tho common price for tliiiii At US and 2J 60 wo sell our nobby miMiom vorlc Milts Best Impnrtml fabrics mado by merchtut tailor worlt men and fully equal to goods which merchant tailors extoittho high iirlciM of J35aniH16 OSiase TracHiig Company irBoT toii tDeet ATCKUITOKY AFFKAY 1 A Stockman Murderously Assaulted in the Choctaw Nation Bprclal Ft Smitu Auk May 8 On Sunday lust In Sans Bats Choctaw nation while Fayette Barnett waa out minting stock he was met by Mlto Hoyt aud hia sou Blackhawk Fioyt Just after passim Barnett Blaokhaw drew his pistol and began firing at Burnett who started to run but was brought to a halt by Mllo who dismounted fiom his horae and It red ut him with a Wiucheater khooIug htm in tho neck Barnett waa 1101 dead at last nccouuta Thla ia out of tho retultaoftho tiouhle in tho Choctaw country laat eummer wheu Uuyt hud to llee to ths Cherokee nation Squirrel Hoyt as rauidered latt December by the ahenffof Sana le county Lewis Lucas This murder waa alto a result of the feud inaugurated Irsl summer ICHTHYOSIS A WILD BURNING ITOH THAT STBIKES WITH A THOUSAND ELECTRIC NEEDLES TlPITOHAlTOONrtdV CALUI wlMl JjJ tosy sumettiniglii pra so of that valu uie medicine CUrl UK A whloli I naw ad verilstd In your pper I have had that old leprosy of which you jead In the Iliule where the Je first got Itianoog them UDd did cut know how to cure It Jt ha mauy other KULlI iiraou I hare hod 11 on luy body for over lxiy years hO nuUKMI COULD TEr aa what It was and probably I never would have known had 1 not iwn thn Kd erttso inentin yonr valuable paper First It Is scaly affection of the sain next It looks like nun acius on vessel bolt inor un 4U log that has laid ln lh waturroru long time ana Julthe uma un cij loel knees nd el butts and li taking a mlcriMuope and look log at me It looks wurte In othtr words we will call It ICIiTlirOHI OK PJSH HKlNj then comes on what I call thn wild bcrnlne Itch that will atrlan you with a thouand cclno Itchy 1 nedles You cannot lull where tocraion flru Vou tneohave to run out lntohnopen air togt retired Why It 1 dreadful an having so many eminent doctors aud neknowlug what to do for yiu I have found the lost tiaaiuru al laat Itdldnotlnkt twospooufulls of the CUTJUUltA IUSIULTKNT belorelttook that tmrnlugitch by the throat md dtbun to hold tr and it Is iff Jlj Is iMsoiulng Miner and my hair becoming soft aud silky and I then 10 uilng exte appllc tlnns vicoha MAland anutntthe pars with Coticcua If ibo thousands knew the good es of this medicine as do they would nut twe ty fonr hours without lu It Is not only swapv tomy jaw buttoalt ntheaand 1 anyone dlkhellevrs this lot him lop next door to the Logau boaso ntro fute toy microscope aud tor himself wwtBri TtA JFa3E Sr 500 NO 1 BROOD MARES OB SAX13 11 IM to in lU llllJlUv i Uood Solid Colors CAJtLiOAJU LOTri SCOTT CO Ajolim Oily Xox rnls the only Chartered Jittery 01 sat Htato Loulslaria Stnto Lottery Coiiimny Incorporated in le for as rears by the let islslure tor educational and chattublrpar poseswith a capita of tIOU00O0 tn which a reserve fund of oYtr SiOUW bus suica bctn lulded Uy an orerw helmlne popular vote It Iran ililse wiu made apart of tbe preseul stale euustltntlou adopted Dec3 A WV A Splondld Opportunity to Vln Tortune lu Grand llDalunnmber Drawlui wilt take place monthly It never scales or post ponos Umk at the followlmr dlstrtbatloni GRAND MONTIILY DRAWING OXjfc3f3 US At tfew Crlcins Tnoiday May 13 lilt Under the Hupsrvltlonand ui ui nt Qas 0 EAUHEGAuD or Leultlmi aod Geo JU0AL A EARLY of Virginia CAPITAL rillZE t7300U 100000 Tickets st Five Duller Lion Fraodoni Infill la Prcporllea UBTOr iruitte IOap AllrlscmM 1 lcui wh we liH iHIHMIf WW IQJjW IrlresofraiOO KU iW Iliessmouutlni to rMAl Application for rates to clnt slioula bs made to tbe office of tho company In Jrleatls 1 for further Infurmatlon writ deafly ifi 1 ut full address Itil tO ItTANT surlUralt by iostalNote Kxprass ifiiosj Jrder few York ExchsUKe or Draft on New rleace Iltrs with currency Invariably syoxpreAs AV pur express entrees on all 1PU19 of or nd ids Addrewed A DAUPHIN New Orleant La Address registered letters and make irnise moneyorders rayable to Now OrlMr MtUr nal Btsk ew Qrlesns La All Sorts of hurts and many torts of man and beast need a cooling lotion Mustang Liniment.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.