Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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LAAYETTE JOURNAL AND COURIER qr 4 4 ROTTERDAM NEAR LIBERATION Thad Phibbs incred Bordrief fill Protective Service contributes 'i fln ttaa 31100 HI 4 Mny art Usuis art art irf TrscU Jun Ism Mb! Read the Journal and Courier Classified Ads MP THE BUSIEST CAR IN POLK COUNTY Vfc JOURNAL and COURIER WANT ADS BRING BEST RESULTS mw out to rom where I att ono of the things this wartime strain has taught vs afl of vs working hard at ovr jobs weight And learning the little rewards the simple pleaa a home cooked meal a glass of beer with are more welcome now than ever becanse earned them! rom where Joe MarsKT "WE ALL USE THE ORD my wife household trips and volunteer work and my boy for his 4 Club and scrap drive activities gone 64000 miles and okay fc'7 i uieir and Mr tawou HunrormWHIHWU wits rou Estle Miss s' Alice who has returned with her to her "cosb liversgood gas and tir Mileage and needs very few repairs' and the good tip And almost always the owner 5 gives a big share of credit to his 'EITHER ARM ERRANDS WORK I Our 1941 ord is keot on the ro with AA A Committee Board of education arm Bureau and war Bond work besides farming" WITH vital Dutch port within Allied reach as shown on the upper map the next move in the Netherlands may be a swing toward the Rhine to cut off Denmark and open another gate to Germany 1 1 Shaded sections indicate some ef the areas flooded by the Germans Lower map shows area from the coast to Strasbourg and Saarbrucken' sections where the Hitler Wall is reported to have been battered Out flanking of this line is considered one of the major objectives of the Allies? Small arrows Indicate points where greatest successes are being achieved by the eastern i (International 1 of ort Myers la are visiting Mrs parents Mr and Mrs John Gillam Damon Auble of Indianapolis was here' visiting friends Mrs Arnett Smiley of Toledo is the guest of her sister Mrs Morris Thompson i 4 Thad Phibbs has a theory of en we know in 'our hearts joyment all his own The more done a good job well? 2 1 urea ne is xrom worxing at me War Plant the more fun he has pitching horseshoes with the boys these summer evenings because I feel that I doinK ourlevel beat to pull our deserve Thad says simply And I wonder if he right I wonder if we enjoy ti things in proportion as we know earned them Is a little relaxation7 ever more welcome i than after a hard work? Do we appreciate our little pleasures quite as much as when Nazi Captive Has Rude Awakening By RODGER GREENE ARRAS rance (Delayed) A stalwart German lieu tenant was deeply chagrined when a 16 year old rench maquis prod ding him with a rifle led him into a British field headquarters near'the Belgian frontier is useless to take me pris he told the British will be free again In one hour You are surrounded' The War Is With a side wink me a Brit ish officer brought out an un marked map and said gravely is serious We did not know we 1 were surrounded Show The nari captive bent over the map and pointed the coast in the north and along the roads to the south 41 The British officer showed him a battle marked with the latest developments and told him something about the number of allied tanks troops and guns storming across rance Into Bel gium The German gaped ulously what you say is true then the war is indeed over for he said glumly He would have been even more convinced if he had seen lone British dispatch riders on the fringe of the main advance Tired eelings? Atsucb if you eunar irom cramps backache feel tired nervous restless pi uuo to functional peri odlc Start at tnr Lydia Plnk ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptom Compound helps naturet It's famous to relieve such annoying distress because of its soothing eSect on osrs 'or wowut'g Mtvr iMKrrwT oaoans Taken tbl great medicine helps bulla up resistance against such symptoms Also a grand stomachic tonic ollow label directions Buy today! LYDIA JSSISSS NEWS hi ifteonlMfepoverAosaeof As Hooge pfaof Ms isrgsrf of it IrM cool It Ms pridpd fmL tut Mere if ess teoop4hovw In the entm bviuina and It thrnma plalad and hept a refc Noworfayt ths cost puMrfai blown into th baOtn tktfa Thursday Evening September ilm Process Is Tough on Gloves ROCHESTER Sept our hundred thousand pairs of white cottan gloves in five sizes and 13 styles are made each year at Eastman Kodak com pany Glove production is compara tively obscure operation of the company which is" best known for its manufacture of cameras film fire control instruments wartime products Made for Kodak Park employes who touch film or photographic paper the gloves are especially necessary "during the film inspec tion process in which the opera tor feels the film for imperfec tions In this work a pair of gloves wears out in fbur hours big scale glove making proc ess engages the full time of about a dozen employe in the box de partment The total annual tea from tea producing countries are about 810000 000 pounds ormula for un JMT ROMNEY A Mrs Charlotte Kirkpatrick Indi anapolis visited Christine Rouch Doris'" and Mary Cunningham have returned home after a visit with Chicago Kyle and family of Indianapolis were guests of Mrand Mrs Cur wen Learning The 'New York Stock Exchange the world's largest was founded in 1817 Cutler Girl Weds At lora Church Sept Mr and Mrs Bert Pullen announce: the mar riage' of their daughter Winifred to Max Landis jr Aug 31 at the irst Brethren church In lorae 'Mr and Mrs 'William Herron and' John Herron of South Bepd spent a few days with mother Mrs Alf Long Long Miss 'AnnabelleNewell been in Los Angeles here and spent few days parents before going work at Plymouth Mr and Mrs William spent the week end at ranklin with Mr and Mrs Ray Cloe Lyrin isher accompanied his son Lyle isher 2 to Wash ington He also visited his son Pvt Dale isher at Camp Croft before returning to his home at Lake Wales la af ter spending the MrsBertha Doyle Lafayette Mrs Minnie Chapman rankfort and Mrs Alice Cochrane orest visited their brother John Mc arland who was seriously ill at his home Ernest Warren arid family who have been living in Burlington township have moved to the Carl Overholser farm' 'John lora of Garrett has been visiting his parents Mr and Mrs Irvin lora 2 Pvt and Mrs Glenn Pitzer and' son of lora visited his parents Mr and Mrs Albert Pitzer JHe has been located at Camp Wheel er Ga but will return to Camp Meade Md at the end of his furlough Mr and Mrs1 loyd Lohrman accompanied their son" 1 Wayne Ijohrman to South Bend where he left for New Yorkafter several leave here Mr and Mrs Barton Wright of Howell 1 Mich spent the week end with parents Mr and Mrs Larry Stong Miss EAPhyIls Peters entertain ed friends at bridge Prizes con sisted of white elephant gifts Mrs Herbert Rush and Mrs Rush of Mulberry and Mrs Mark Car ter of were out of town guests Stockwell News STOCKWELL Sept Accord ing to a card received by Mrs Johnson her nephew Sgt Bob Ray a prisoner in Germany is well is not hungry and receives a box weekly from the Red Cross The card written in April also related that he had been slightly wounded and all those left of his bomber crew were together Mrs Mattie Stevens has return ed to Lebanon after a visit with Mr and Mrs Cecil Stevens Guests of Mr and Mrs Jacob Shuey included Mr and Mrs Earl Howard the Lawrence Howard family and Mrs Orville Sims and daughter of West Lebanon Mrs ames 4 and Mr and Mrs Kite Pflffner St Louis Roy Collins and wife of Clinton Russell Jackson and 'family of Miami la and the Paul Pat tons of Monitor were guests of Mr and Mrs John Jackson Mrs Edna Meriwether of Lo gansport and Mrs Orla isher of Thorntown spent several days with their brother Osa Sutton and wife Little Nancy Jane Sut ton of Lafayette was also a guest of the Suttons Miss Mary Lou Logan of the cadet nurse 1 corps has returned to Indianapolis after a week end at home Howard Shuey Griner formerly of St Louis is now in training at Camp Robinson Little Rock Ark Mr and Mrs Guy Keller visited relatives in Bedford 4 i Misses' Marietta and Rosemarie Hamilton 'of Greensburg were guests of the Hamiltons: recognized Egypt as a sovereign independent state in 122 ish do not close their eye during sleep No 93 of a Seriet Copyright 1944 Brwring Do Ymi Suffer Distress rom EMALE WEAKNESS dure giau i ve i'1? "A'? A i SM 1' says Wilbur hiumith armer ELKHART IOWA orty years of reliability stamina A andlow costoperanonhavemade gives a pig share of credit to his 4 Ebrd cars thechoiceof fiuUioa friendly ord dealef 'whose car' from ord owners in cities and towns and the country tell so much to maintaining Amer 1 anj comfort surely fast too! 4IUWWCU UaCXa WU1 MCv 3UUIUAU5 3 W3OUUA4 UAHSpWLlAUUU European Veteran Is Attica Visjtor ATTICA Sept Master Sgt Walter Dove son of Mrs Cecil Crane has reached' here after having landed in New York four days ago He has completed two years of service In the European theater of war and participated in the first all attacks against with better than 300 missions to his credit He has earned several citations He was attached to a bombing group as bombardier His wife is the former Dorothy Shuppert IRE RUN The Atticafire department was called to the city property on West Mill street to extinguish a fire caused by tar which boiled over onto a cart wheel and set it afire Only damage done was to the tire and wheel on the cart Mrs Alice Strickland has re turned to her Home In Danville Ill after visiting Mrr and Mrs Wynne Rogers Mrs reed was Lafay ette to seemlier in law Mrs Adrian reed a patient at St Elizabeth hospital She is making satisfactory recovery and will return home later in the week 1 5 Mrs John Duff has sold her residence property on East Main street occupied by George Mat tern andfamily to Mrs Theodore Matthews of Kramer who is employed as nurse at Harrison Steel plant Mrs Doan Helms of south of Attica will leave this week for a visit with her 'sonr 'Cpl Doan Helms and wife at Philadelphia ENDS VACATION Rev J' Nelsen pastor of St rances Xavier Catholic church has returned from Sylvan Lake and Chicago where he spent two weeks vacation Rev Rufus Ea sier of St Joseph college Rens selaer served the local church during' his absence The annual home coming of the Uy church at Riverside will be held Sunday Sept 10 The reg ular Sunday school and church services will be 'held in the morn ing followed by basket dinners and a program 1 m' 2 and Mrs Tom Leap and son bf Sharpsville have re turned home after visiting Mr and Mrs Dale Maus and daugh ter Leap has just returned from service in England 182 Start At "Clarks Bill CLARKS HILL Sept School opened here Monday Sept 4 with an enrollment of 182 as follows: Grade 121 grade 2 19 grade 3 15 grade 4 18 grade 5 10 grade 6 15 20 grade 8 18 grade 9 14 grade 10 10 grade 11 12 grade 12 12 arry Cresswell of 'Clinton is visiting his sisters Mrs Levi Holst and Miss Anna Cress well Mr and Mrs Ora Loveless and Mr and Mrs' Vacle Hudson are in Tipton visiting Mr and Mrs Virgil Beaver Mrs Alvin Borntrager and son Maurice and Miss Ethel Warren of Rensselaer guests atx the William Adams home Holtz and family are moving to Lafayette 1 Mr and Mrs John Doremire and daughters of Chalmers visit ed' Mrs Doremire's sister Mrs Roy Robbins and family sr MEET IN PACIIO Pfct Rondal Webb now In the South Pacific has written his parents Mr and Mrs Webb that on a recent'isittto a hos pital for xmlnor treatment he saw the name xJeuL Edgar Thompson on the staff of doctors On inves tigation he found it was Dr Ed gar Thompson' son of 'Mr and Mrs Jas Thompson Both boys from Clarks Hill they had an interesting visit Dr Thompson also write bls parents of the unexpected meetings with Pvt Webb Martin Hallock and family and Mr and Mrs Harold ielding of Prairie Green Ilk were guests at the Rex Van Allen home Mr' and Mrs Walter' Anderson ofCoatsville' visited friends and relatives here Mr and Mrs Clarence Rupkle awito 4 THrAGuiESy zsi wfcSSia ASHMIM 57 lENG BERLIN 4 GERM AN i 3W WK WC01QGNK 4 JbeiJO Xnsn Sa I I II I llH11 There's 4(? 4 I RANCEJI VCTU fa Every Coat and Suit at The ashion A A the fashion news of deeper 4 1 9 arm holes wider sleeves oroaaenea a shoulders and handsome' dressmaker 1 details!" "fashion news in the tell tunic coat 'the coat with deep fur 1 cuffs the untrimmed coat ex citemerit in colors' They tjoj 2's A 1 1 r4 await you 'now in coats for fall and 1 1 WB 1 'x 'T ur CW UUAib 7 iv rzViLy Vi 4 rws3BSh Untrimihed i coats 1 j1 I r'A $35 i Zv 47 lJBj 1 Wl WMMs rSaMT I ir 'Will iBBjik 4 i 7 1 Use Our lay Away! "7 Convenient pay T' 71 fSufl I I ment plana may 1 7 i 4 4 if M77 7 '7' aax NEW LOOK IN suits Younger softer line 1' 1 "softer fabric softer 7 detailing '4 1 1 1 LOVELY beyond in all gabardine or the softer coham i 7 HI1 I alure fabric Cardigan styles in dressy :7 and more feminine lines and with col 7 ors In the popular black or brown andr 1 newest autumn colors tk i $35 II 2 I HJ 7 'll ii ii I i I jo tt is 'feET fAO XTj 7 u' its I 1 AX 4 7' 7 Thoto PArfectfy Heavenly Shoes Ba (eafvred oMoa Magazines 'f CSlackDoeskin yr 7 Ml 7 'J i la 1 'B Black or Brown Suede 7 Black Patent or Doeskin 7 7 A '7 SJ957V 76 'A At I £Bf VBfBn BmBB TUHEft MAJtK irfiyoe I 11 flfl ct gfonc ffya a' flMlf ws fa fmaww Im I a 7' 1 it iheHard to it eer 7 Sizes AAAAA 4 10 7 'B7' 2 4 5 a jf fOKD 0UIUS mult ot nt town mm nur out with rou root tri a.

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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.