The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)

A THE KOKOMO TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1937 Society Mews Greek Club Is Entertained by Officers at Tea The Coronation theme was attractively suggested in the appointments for the officers' tea of Greek club at the home of Mrs. James E. Meck, president, 723 West Taylor strect, Saturday Afternoon, when one hundred memberd word entertained for their first meeting of the ncw year. Assisting Mrs. Mock in receiving wore the other officers, Button, acneral chairman Severns the afternoon, Mra E.

P. and Frances Hoss. Also the hostcommittee were Mesdames J. es3 F. McComb, Fred P.

Mustard, Allen Richards, Ross B. Tudor and Howard Williams and Miss Grace Kncipple. Miss Julia Guess, harpist, of Indianapolis, played throughout the afternoon. Miss Guess la a member of the Butler University chaptor of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. 'The tea table was centered with a dirigoid bowl of red carnationa, yellow buddlela and bluc egeratum, out the Coronation colors, and flanking the floral Arrangements were blue candles service in dirigold holders.

The throughout of dirigold And blue glassware and presiding at the table were the past president vice-president, Migy Elizabeth and McIntosh M. Topthe sundwich loaves were ping amall crowns in the various colors. cookica, mints and nuts also Jewel were served. Members were prosented with their yearbooks which were handpainted crown-shaped booklets. A large contalner, also in the shape of a crown, held the booklets.

Miss Margaret Schumacher and Miss Bernice Grant of Indlanapolis, Mrs. Mustard, and Mra. guests Helen Toomans Curtis of a former momber of the club, were out-of-town guests. Mre. Lola Huston wan picasantly Friday evening at her aurprised "home.

,805 East Mulberry street, honor of her birthday. A com-! pany. of relatives gathered to make the occasion happy one. The honor guest received number of useful gifts. The guests were Invited to the dining room where Mrs.

Huston offered prayer. The table was adorned with pink and white cake with forty pink and white gift of bra. Howton's husband. Another pink and white cake decorated in keoping with the occasion wag a gift of Mrs. Hazel Ryan of South Bend.

Games wore played and short and songs were given. Those present were: Mr. Mrs. John Ryan. Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Aldridge of Marion, Mr. and Alvin Dewitt and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Perry Hunt and son, and MrA.

Romie "Thurston son, Mrs. Vernal Tuller and and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Dewitt and two children, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Beatty and son, and Rex Huston and family. A happy birthday song was aung by the children before. the reCreghments were served. The Zeta Gamma. 'chapter held its regular meeting Friday night at the Prosperity club, the potluck supper being the main feature evening.

The rest of the cvening was spent in a heart hunt and games and thee prizes were awarded to Mae Herrell, Louise, Peters, Lola Abney. Alice Smith and Florence Coulbern. The attendanco prize won by Effie Jolly. Beside those mentioned the following were prosent: Martha Brandt, Edra Butler, Eva 'Cheek; Hazel and Josephine Helesly, Jean Kyler, Ruth Miller, Dorothea McCarter, Grace Pler, Anzy Remis, Mary Thatcher, Velma Luellen, Ruth Horno, Alvorta CrowImogene Rosier. The apeclal ruesta for the evening ware Mtas Louise Plor and Miss Alice Smith.

Twenty-five War Mothers were entertalned by Mrs. Bertha McDonald at her home, 021 West Tryfor street, all day Friday. A potluck dinner was served cafeteria style from a long table 'in the dining room, the table being Attractive with a drawnwork linen cover, An antique cake stand with a candle-decorated cake and crystal holders with lighted blue tapers, The guests were seated 'at small tables about the other rooms. Mrs. Julia Nelson offered the Invocation.

Special guests were Mrs. Spurgeon, Mrs. O. D. Hutto and Mrs.

Johns of Montone. the latter a guest of Mrs. Nolgon. The chaptor voted a donation 35.00 to the. flood relict and arranged to make and furnish ten bedside bags for patients at the veterans' hospital in Indianapolls.

AIrs. Effie Stewart was reported Ill. Mrs. Introduced a game in keeping with groundhog day. next meeting will be at Legion home in two weeks.

The Loyal Leaders class of the First Evangelical church was anfertained Friday night at the home of Mrs. Lilly Pierce, 910 East Broadway, members belng present. committee was Appointed to recelve flood rellet donationa to be given by the church, Clyde McEntire being named chairman with Mrs. Plerce and Mrs. Horace Boyce A8 other members.

The remainder the time was enjoyed with games 'and contests, prizes In which were won by Boyce and Mrs. Edna Springer, Refreshments were veryed by the, hostess, assisted by Mrs. Charlotte Glosser. The Hopkins W. C.

held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Agnes Mullen: of Darrough Friday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Hickman and Mrs. Ora Taylor were In charge ol devotions and each member gave A Bible station for food and cloth'from county, the shipping regular 'going mecting this, James D.

Golliday unit, American Legion Auxliary. scheduled, for next Monday has. been postponed. will announced Wonight, date, of the unit have. worked" at the home dally, this week receiving and packing goods.

An members enjoyable. of the program Poetry. Circle was by. January meeting for which at the Mra. Friday Frank night O.

at Fawcett home, was 215 East hostess street. Those contributing original to the with program were: Howurd Armstrong two selections, "A Temblor" humorous "The of the Goody and Man': Mrs. Mae Wiltse, "'Portrait of An Old Man', Smoking Miss Harry "Mystery" and "A'. Contury Mrs. "Trees V9.

Miss Jessamine Armstrong, "These Special guests for Arc Silencos." evening were Miss Frances. Miss Stella' Trecs, Mrs. Means, Cedars Miys Mary and Russell Cedars. The next 'meeting will: be at the home of Mr. and Howard Armstrong, Feb.

26. Mrs. The True' Blue Girls of the UnSon Street Friends. church met the homie of. Miss Catherday at Surface and enjoyed several and Refreshments served.

present 'were: were Yetive Nada Miller, 'Jean Licpse, Maxine cillo Summers, Jean O'Neal, Paul-' inc- Surface, Mrs. Surface and Mre. May Tucker. Mrs. Olenfa 1039 presented a group of her pupils.

in a piano recital at the home lot Mra. Frank Ruth, 1516 South Armstrong. street, Friday evening. Those taking part were Imogene: 'Myers, Ruci. 'and Betty Phillips and others.

took part In the Moss also. played several selections. Mrs. Ruth served', refreshments, next. recital will in February! at the home of Mrs.

Grimes, 1506 South' Armstrong street. A potluck supper WAS' enjoyed by Our Gong club at the home of Mr. Mrs. Ermon. Nichols, South Washington street, Friday: BRIDE-ELECT MISS JANET ADA COHEN.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, formerly of Kokomo, announce engagement and approaching marriago of their. daughter. Janet Ada, to Herbert of Hollywood, formerly of Now York City.

The wedding will take plac? February 15 'in 'the Little Church of the Flowers at Glendale. Calit. The couple will reside in Hollywood. MARRIED JAN. 10.

Photo by Tobias Studio Grand MRS. PETE STRYCOTT. The marriage of: Miss Marie Burdash, 1121 West: Park avenue, to Pete 'Strycott" took at. the Rumanlan. church.In Vaile avenue Sunday, Jan.

10. The couple will reside in Kokomo. verse. Mrs. Taylor read an Inter-! esting.

article. It was voted send flowers to members except In cases of death and sympathy cards will be sent to others. Mra. Anna Newcomb was appointed diroctor for the child weifare department. Fourteen members and visitor were present and 49 one sick calls and 60 meal were reBirs.

T. A. Delo was the ported. speaker of the alternoon and discurbed a number of topics of Interest to. the group.

Mrs. Clara Snow voiced the closing prayer. The next meetinz whil be at the home of Mrs. Anna Newcomb Feb. 12, with Mrs.

Lulu Crousore aS. tender. A. shower in honor Mrs. Maurico Turnpaugh, who' marriage Jan.

8, wag Migs Margoret Tucker, WAS given Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. Merritt, 809 North Leeds street. gucsta were present and the bride received many lovely glits. The house was attractively decorated in pink and white and close of the TOat freshments carrying out the color: scheme were served, The hostays was ussisted by the bride's mother, Mrs.

Everett Tucker. The Women's Order of Foresters, St. Mary's Court No. 934, will 'hold its regular monthly meeting Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the K. of C.

hall. Thig will be 'a pro-Lenten party, and a special program has planned. A large attendance is urged and members of the Juvenile Court also invited. Each' person lg asked are to bring silverware. the flood.

rolief work being done at the American Legion: home, which la the receiving and ORDER A SET OF TRANSPARENT BOXES ADVICE FOR SELF-RESPECTING CLOSETS: NEW YEAR'S EVE BRIDE: Ryan Studio MES. I. HOLLINGSWORTH. Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Rose. West Sycamore rond, announce the morrlage their daughter, Lucille, to Robert Hollingsworth of Lafayette, son of William wedding Hollings-1 worth of. Bicknell. The Now Year's eve the tool place, parsonage of the Christian church Latayette, the Rev. Doyle Mulin Jen officiating.

couple's attendants wert The Miss Jessie McCoy and Dwight McCoy of Lafayette: Both young: people were gradu. nted with the from class Kokomo of 1935. bigh Mr. school Hol I is employed by the lingsworth lette and the Brown Rubber companie Lafayoffices of the Rose Plumbing Euchre was the diversion evening, prizes being awardnight. of the ed to Mr.

and Mrs. Dan Sullivan, Gilbert Languewell, Don 'Baker. and Mrs. Lec Fowler. The club will meet two weeks with.

Mr. and Mry. Sullivan, 717 West: Preble. street. A local Institutc WaS held by the North Kokomo W.

C. U. at tho home of. Mrs. Golda Hart, North Washington street, Fri2136 day.

The seasion was opened. with a Bible reading by Mrs. Ella WIlls. Sirs. T.

Delo spoke of paI.tional education fund and how to be. used in spreading the tem. perance message. After noontide prayer by Sirs. Ida Hopkins, dinner wag enjoyed.

De1 potluck votions by Mrs. Della Ballcy were followed by regular routine institute The white ribbon was tied on three children. Capitola and. Charles Hardy Blessing, A temperance program by members of the T. L.

and music by Mra. Hart and Mrs. Mary Weaver closed the day. The. monthly meeting of the Worth While.

class oL Darrough Chapel was bold Friday night -at the home of and Mrs. Will Pendergrass, east of the church. de Mrs. Pendergrass gave the. votional service und several membars assisted with prayers.

A contest during the social hour was by. Mrs. W. Mason' and Mrs. Leo Crousore, after which refreshments were served.

The next mecting be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bridegroom, Feb. 19. The Art Association of Kokomo will hold its February meeting Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at' the of Mrs.

N. C. 209 East Mulberry strcet, Mrs. T. C.

Scott will have the paper I on the subject, "The Modern Trend In Art'. Mrs. Overson villa lEave charge of current events in A ANTIDOTE FOR 'JUMBLED CLOSESTS Here is one of the latest devices for preserving order in clothes lightweight to closets and: eliminating the jumble -that comes from accessorics: boxes may be cleaned with a damp cloth. hurried feverish searchings. It lg 'a get of transpArent boxes, made of a- old: bat, 'shoes and other art.

All members arc urged to be present. Twenty-four members of' the Corinthian class and five guests entertained Friday night: at Mrs. Reynolds, the assisting' hostess being Mrs. Fenn. Comic costumes afLena forded much' amusem*nt at the beginning the' party, utter which were sevcrul games and contests enjoyed.

Refreshments were served by the hostages. The Westminster Auxiliary of the Firgt Presbyterian church will celebrate Its 'twenty-third birthday at. the meeting Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the church. The charter members and a special tea will be. served in the birthday, basem*nt of the church.

Ali momespecially to be berg are present. The Symposlum will meet Monafternoon at the home of Mre. day H. A. Bruner, 404 West Jefferson Mrs.

L. R. Naftzger have. the paper on "Romance Each 'becn requested to. Bring any rare laces she may have for an exhibit.

The Washington 'P. T. A. will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night at the A founders' day prowill be presented with. Miss Styrtle hour Gilbert will Ag.

close. the speaker. evening. Mrs. John E.

Fell Starts Trip Saturday To South America Mra. John Ellis Fell of this city and her father, B. G. Houdley of Blcomington, left Saturday afternoon on the first lap of a fortytwo day cruise trip which will take them as far south as Santos, Brazil, South America, The two expect to spend Sunday In Philadelphia with Mr. Hoodley's son and from there they will FO to New York to sail Wednesday noon on the Gritsholm of the Swedish American Havana will the 'first stop and other points to be visited include Kingston, Jamaica, Curacao, Sao.

Salvador Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Trinidad in the British. West Indies, Martinique in the French West. Indles and Bermuda. They will arrive at New York March The party, al which Mrs. Fell.

and her father, are mombera, will be on the boat, all. the time, when they are visiting the various points scheduled for visits. The trip covers 12,000 miles. Mrs. Fell and Mr.

Hoadley took AL South American trip two years ago, but with the exception of two ports, the Itinerary is entirely new to them. Mrs. Fell's talk and pictures taken on. that trip have been the source of much delight to the vArious clubs and other organizations before which she has BDpeared. News WCA Notes 3:45 p.

m. Girl Reserve Interclub Council. Tuesday p. m. Girl Reserve Choral club rehearsal.

Wednesday 3:45 p. m. Kachess Girl Reserve short business meeting. 5:30 p. supper and stunt party at the Home of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, block north of the Masonie Temple.

503 North Washington street, onc Thursday 2:00 p. Alpha Rho Tau club. 2:30 p. m. Wencedu club.

3:45 p. m. Blue Tri Girl Reserve. p. m.

Weworka club. Guest speaker, Dr. Florence Olmsted. Friday 3:15 p. m.

Pyraca Girl. Reserve meeting. NOTES FOR COMING WEEK Monday WEDDINGS Robertson-Cass Mrs: Elizabeth Uitts, 1125 South Jay street, announces the marriage of cousin, Miss Lorene Robertwon, to Leslie G. Casa, son of Mr. and Mra, Grover Cass, South Purdum street.

single' ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. P. M. Tooley at his home in South Plate street at 5:30 o'clock Monday, Jan. 25.

Dorothy Wagner and Mrs. Elizabeth Uitts attended: the couple. The bride's dress and hat were of revue. blue with other accessories of. Mrs.

Uitts was dressed In navy blue with black. and accessories, Miss. Wagner wore navy blue suit with. light tan sweater and a black accessories. Mrs.

Coss is the of Mr. and 'Mrs. Melvin Roberston of Russell 'Springs, but' for tho past four months: hay been making her home in this city with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mr.

Cans is employed by the Continental Steel Co. The young couple is: at home with the bridegroom's. parents. at present. Lit Memoriam.

In loving. memory of our dearly beloved husband and. father, James Walker, who departed this litc two years ago today, Jan. 30, 1935, Deep In our hearts les a picture Of a loved one gone to rest. In memory's frame we shall; keep it.

Because he was one we loved As we loved him, so we misa In our he da always acar. Loved, remembered; longed for al: wAys, Brings many silent But know Dad is watching o'or 128, As he always. did. In the; past; And we want to join him: in heaven. Where heartaches are over; at last.

Sadly, missed by his: wite, children and grandchildren: INN NORTH' KENNEDY ST. BEST PLACE TO' EAT 'DRINK. REGAL BLOCK COAL South Side Lumber Coal Go. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Miss' Elizabeth Blacklidge will leave Monday for Miami, where she will visit. for 4everal weeks with Mr.

and hirs. March Haynes. Dr. Scott will leave Sunday evening for IL visit geveral weeks in Riverside, with his brother-in-luw, H. A.

Booth. Dr. D. W. Paris will be in churge of Dr.

Scott's office while he is out of the city. Miss Bettie Johnson of Indiananolis is the week-end' guest of her aunt, Mrs. Darwin Middleton, and Mrs. A. L.

Thompson and three of Evansville' are visiting children city with Mrs. Thompson's Lather, James Burrows, 906 South Main strect, Mrs. Herbert Hummer and Hirs. George Loach have returned from a week's visit In Washington, where they attended the in. auguratio" and visited many places of interest.

Mr. and Mrg, H. M. HIllard, Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Allison, W. C. McCoy' and and. Mrs. H.

H. Ward were in Marion, Thursday, atteriding the Fifth district meeting of the American Legion and Auxiliary. Mrs. Harvey Lee and sons, Norman and Philip, and Mr. and Mrs.

George Groves of this city have returned from McGrawsville, where they altended the funeral of Charles Sharp at. McGrawgville. Fred P. Baldwin hos returned to Chicago after spending few days in this cily on business and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

C. P. Ealdwin. Mry. Violet Faulkner, 903 West Taylor street, who was seriously 17- jurod in a fall a week ago, is reported ay slowly improving.

Mr. and Mrs. B. C. McCammon of Indianapolls are the guests of the latter's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. P. Buldwin. 502 North Union street.

Jack DIlf will be the guests of friends Indianapolis, Sunday. GALVESTON Galveston, Jan. Clara Hinkle' entertained the Jackson 'Township H. E. C.

Tuesday afternoon. She was. nssisted by Megdames Mary Logan, Doris Binney, and Blanch Scott. The club voted $5 for flood relief; and Miss Bertha Cook gave a report an a recent conference, at Purdue. Articles for the solo.

for benefit for the Case hospital are to be left at County the home of Mrs. Lenore -DeVinney, it was announced, Contests were won by Mrs. Monelle Hardin and Mrs. Lenora DeVinncy. Fourteen members were present.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cree have returned from visit with reiutives in California and Oregon. Mrs. Rogert Stuart.

of Middletown, Ohio, is visiting her parents here whille husband, who is captain 147th Infantry of the Ohio National Guards is with his company In Cincinnati, in flood relief work, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moore have moved. to Chicago, where Mr. Moore has employment.

The Mizpah class, of the M. C. church met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S. Thurston.

Mrs. Charles Lott read the Scripture lesand prayers were offered by scn, Mesdames Ulmer and Duryee Collars were given by the Three class to flood relief. An interestletter was read from Mrs. ElizaIng beth. Miller, who' 18 spending the winter 'in 'Florida, A contest wAS by Mrs.

Rhoda Yoder. A readwon Ing by Mrs. Emma Hill and vor-1 duct by Mesdames Nellie Miller, and the hostess closed the afternoon's program. Refreshments were served sixteen guests. The Febwill be with Mrs.

Alruary meeting, bert Roler. C. E. Millhouse and Stunicy Stecle attended an Educational Clinic sponsored by the Indiana State Board of Funcral Directors, at Thursday, Mrs. P.

G. Ramsey entertained the Loyal Union class of the United church, Thursday after. ssaisted by Mrs. coon. Ross Hawkins.

A contest was won by. Mrs. I. O. Goodrich.

Clouso. Infant Rites. Funeral services for Albert Wayne Clouse, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. 'who died Friday 'morning morning, at 10 o'clock at the home will held Monday of 'the grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Elijah Walts, 319 East. State atreet. The Rov. Mr.

Duncan will officiate. 'Friends may call there after 6 p.m. Sunday. During the fiscal year ended June 30. last ycar, packs of cards were manufactured playing in the United Staton.

"OUR BABIES" Toblan Studio Grand PAUL. ENGENE SMITH. Paul Eugene, age '13 months, La the nominee: for this week's Hail of. Childhood. He 18 the son of and Mrs.

Paul Smith of Tipton, R. R. 3. ver, Mrs. Lazaro! was Miss! 1216 Vaile aveVictoria Halmage, nue.

Mr. and Mrs. Lazaroff arc at home in this city. BRIDE by Tobias Studio Grand Photo MRS. LEWIS LAZAROFF.

Before her marriage on Sunday, Jan. 24, to Lewis Lazaro of Den- Spring Dance of -Phi Chi Epsilon Will Be April 3 April 3. has been chosen by. the Phi Chl Epsilon Saturday night, sorority for Its annual spring bone. fit dance.

The dance will be held Elks club but further deat the tails have not been arranged. Miss Rosemary Stahl has been chairman of tho appointed general following committees: Orchestra: Ima Jcan Hinshaw, Massoth, Jane Miller, Mary Jane Witte and Dorothy Marguerite Record. Tickets: Bernice Tobias, CharCurrers, Allwyn Coady, Irene Holliday and Genc Lybrook. Decorations: Dorothy Lingenfelter. Eula Lightfoot, 'Ruth Moore, Virginia Senior, Mary Pape and Betty Young.

Elme and place: Mary Elizabeth Lucille Chappell and FranMoran, ccs Lichtenwalter. Invitations: Bertha Politz, Gladys Artman, Lucille Stillwell and Margaret Phelps. Advertising: Madaline Warren, Evelyn Good and Helen Bergman. COUNCI MEETS TUESDAY Interesting Program Planned For Monthly Mooting of Club Women. The February meeting of the Howard County Federation of Clubs will bc held at the Woman's Dewith partment a potluck luncheon at noon.

club Tuesdey, beginning The program include piano numbers by Mrs. 'Mervin Hathaway, A.A Institute on the blind by Mrs. Earl Vandenbark, a vocal duel by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gunnell and a talk.

on "Rural Cooperation" by Mrs. Raymond McNcal who is state chairman of that department. county chairmen arc especially urged to be present and other club women interested are cordially invited. Each one is expected to take a dish of food and table service. SMALL BOY DIES Jimmie Marvin, Son of Mr.

and Mrs. Melvin Marvin, Expires Friday Jimmle Marvin, age three, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marvin of Middletown, died at 1:30 Friday Muncie, 'morning with yellow jaundice and Ball hospital, other complications. Little Jimmie leaves beside the parents, a brother Jackie who is 18 months old.

Other survivors inthe grandparents. Mr. and clude Mrs. D. S.

Marvin, 713 North CourtJand avenue of this city, D. W. Ridgeway of Middletown, a great grandmother, Mrs. Rosetta Marvin, 900 West Taylor street, also of this city, and several uncles and aunts. Jimmie lovable child and made.

friends wherever he went Funeral services will be held afternoon at 2 o'clock Sunday the Sixth Street Christian church in Middletown. Elder F. R. Wiggins will be in charge. REVIVAL NEARS CLOSE Gospel Tabernacle Announces Sunday.

Services Saturday and. revival meeting at the KoThe komo Gospel Tabernacle, 616 North Union' street, will continue over evangelist, Wm. K. Hoaz. will preach Saturday night on.

"The Flg Tree," and Sunday night 07 "Time and Eternity," Sunday school beging at the Gospel Tabernacle at 10 o'clock. The -offiCers and teachers of the Sunday school Are making it a. valuable training for the young people and children and there is also A live Bible class for adults taught by the pastor, A. F. Varnell.

SOCIAL CALENDAR del at Monday. Phi-T. W. C. A Beta Sigma 1:30 Art p.

Association -Mra. N. m. Hamilton, 209 East Mulberry 7:30 p. H.

A Brut 404 West Jefferson street. Circle No. 3, Main Wesley Olive Cole, 1626 E. atb M'. Buckeye street.

Washington P. T. p. m. Phi Beta -Courtland hotel, 7:30 p.

m. Sigma Phi Gamma--Francos hotel, 7:30 p. m. Phi Chi Frances hotel 1:30 p. nt.

Pythian Sisters Bridge-JIrs. Earl Bainbridge, 1225 West Maple street, 1:30 p. m. Tuesday. Westminster Auxiliary First Presbyterian 2:30 p.

m. Tri Kappa Associates R. C. Alkman, 528 Washington street, 1:30 p. m.

Council, Federation qt County Clubs-Woman's Department club, 12 m. Epsilon Sigma Omicron--Woman's Department club, 6:30 p. m. Priscilla -Mra. B.

L. Modern Clark. East Taylor street. v. W.

Dorothy Chenoweth, Now London. Forget-Me- Not Mrs. Omer Thomas, 923 South Leeds street. 7:30 Psi Iota Xi-Frances hotel, p. SL Elizabeth's Guild-Mrs.

Ru. m. Hatton, 505 West Jefferson street. Wednesday. U.

N. A. P. O. C.

Auxiliary-Mrs. A. C. Davis, 507 North Webster I street Loyal Sons and Daughters South Christian-Mr, and Mrs. Frank Side Dunn, 611 South Wadash avenue.

Happy Hour--Mrs. Mary Porter, 1015 T. C. North Washington, streetest Sycamore street pike. L.

P. Mary Murray, 908 West Virginia avenue. Trinity L. Charles Weaver, East Hoffer street. Mrs.

George Helsley, 1810 South Webster street. Bide-2-Wee-Mrs. Hollis Conkle, 1013 North Leeds street. John Fisher, 1718 S. D.

North Lafontaine strect. 7 7:30 p. m. South Hines, 1041 South BuckMargaret eye street, 2 p. m.

club, Bible Woman's Department 12:30 p. m. Thursday. Covered Dish: Luncheon-Woman's Department club, 12 m. Department International Relutions -Woman's Department club, 1:30 P.

D. Department of American Horde and Citizenship -Woman's Department club, 3:45 p. m. Dorcas Shrine-Masonic Temple, 7:45 p. m.

Wesley Circle--Main Street M. E. church. Redcemer Lutheran' 'A Mrs. Frank Mullen, 1215 West Mar.

son. street. 1:30 p. 'm. O.

T. Tom Huffman, Beatrice Rebekah 0. 0. Tipton. F.

hall: all day. Progressive H. Ella Ortman, South Park road. Nineen-Mrs. Leland Salmons, West North street.

D. of A. N. Isabel Kling1501 North Bell street. G.

erman. Faye Kirkendall, South Armstrong street. Kokomo W. C. T.

riet Stockton, 120G North son street. Star-Mrs. Bernic Hite, Buckeye street. Windmill-Mrs. Irene 114 South Zipper-Mrs.

Mildred Limin East Superior street, 7:30 p. Fellowship--Union Street church, p. m. Bible-Grace M. E.

Bercan church; all day. T. N. Edellc Martin, 1041 Soutb Webster street, Okch-Miss Dorothy Haynes, 680 Enst Sycamore strect. Dance-K.

of C. hall. Chapter P. E. Kokomo Tea Room, 1 p.

m. Saturday, Junior Legion home, 2:30 p. m. Chautauqua League of Round Table-Y. W.

C. 3 p. m. 3 GIRL SCOUT ACTIVITIES 0 Troop 4 held its meeting Mondi St. Andrew's church.

The girls practiced first aid with visitors. Cleo Adams and Mrs. F. Julow, bird lists were added to and at-' tendance marked. The girls are donating $5.00 to the Red Cross flood reilet.

The Cardinal Troop met Tucaday' and cach girl brought a complated article and something on which to sCW. The observation was played, The Girl Scouts of Oak Troop met nt the First Presbyterian church Wednesday. Members learncd held interest in which the first clans groups took measurements for scouts judging 71 first class requirement and the second class nature. Later the giris worked on ed on plaques. The girls enjoyed a the skating "Ponds," party, last Saturday.

at where they cooked their lunch. The meeting of Troop 3 Wednekday was: presided over by Mrs. rtoop icader. A game with questions. on thorked was played girls on the test they intend to pass.

A new scribe; Doris O'Ncal, was clected. mct in the basem*nt of Troop Patrick's church Saturday aftSt. ernoon. The girls were divided into groups and made observation. mops to the meeting place.

Two, patrols had emblems completed, A rope contest was enjoyed and four. new letters were added in signallini A TOBIAS PHOTO NEWS interesting as those smiling, charming baby There is nothing no photographs. Watch for your child in the TOBIAS STUDIO GRAND W. Walnut St. North of Court House Tetephone 7972.

The Kokomo Tribune from Kokomo, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.