The Salem News from Salem, Ohio (2024)

HER Fair and warmer tonight. Showers Friday night. THE SALEM NEWS LAT NEWS VOLUME 207 The Associated Press International Newa Barrica United Preaa SALEM, OHIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1931 EIGHT PAGES THREE CENTS PUCE. PREDKmOM OF SHMSON Today Wins Honors TRAUER FEST, MIRAGES REAL LIFE DIME NOVEL SALES TAX LOOMS GIRL Arthur Brisbam (Copyright 1930 By Xing Syndicate. Inc.a ANOTHER TRAUER in Wall street yesterday.

Wheat, as ycu will surmise, a new low." One big railroad neglected to pay a dividend. You can buy excellent, and safe stocks now that will pay ycu from 7 to 10 per cent on your money. Nobody buys them. By and by when they rise tc unsafe prices and pay 2 per cent or less on the invest- ment. everybody will buy them.

Include among the list of mirages and wisp" our hope of I getting back 10 billions lrom Europe. Alieady it is said we consent to cut down the amount we are to get, it the European nations will cut down the reparations from Germany. ANNUALCOUNTY FAIR TO OPEN Adept Pupil Columbiana Event Older By One Year Than State Project ORGANIZATION FIRST FORMED IN 1846 Growth of Agricultural Society Steady; Many Improvements Made NEWS comes that China will take great deal more than 15.000.0CD bushels of our wheat for famine relief. Perhaps 50,000,000 China will pay us with long time notes, and these notes, probably, later ill added to our mirage collection. Perhaps the Lotri will give us credit for helping the starving.

DIME NOVELS, no long? printed, occyir in life's realty. Charles M. Rosenthal, young! broker, was kidnaped, 100.000 do- nianded. lie won $50,000 from his kidnapers at poker, got their I. reducing the ransom to $50.000,, which his mother paid.

The kid- naping was a young woman, of light complexion, found living with a big, very big black She was of Negro blood. When the kidnaped ycung man won $50.000 at peker, two kidnapers voted to shoot him. Numbers on the i ransom bills caught the kidnapers, i the light-colored young lady and recovered $16,330 of the ransom. I Is not that a super-dime novel? The highest military honors attainable in the Corps of Cadets at West Point have just been won by Cadet John P. McConnell (above), of Booneville.

who has been appointed First Captain and Regimental Commander. In addition to his military honors McConnell Is an outstanding athlete having won his letter as a member of the Armv track team. LISBON. Sept. 3- The 82nd Columb ana county fair, sponsored by the Columbiana County Agricultural Society will be officially! opened the morning of Snpt.

15,1 and continue day and night until Sept. 18. This county fair is one year older than the Ohio State fair. Organized In 1846 The first meeting convened to organize a county agricultural joc- i iety met here April 15, 1846, Samuel 1 Myers being chosen chairman and I H. T.

Clever secretary. A commit- I tee named to draft a constitution I and by-laws was composed of liam E. Russell, Jacob Harbaugh, i B. W. Snodgrass, William D.

Mor- 3 and Mr. Myers, i A committee was also named at this time to name persons to serve as officers, this committee being i AWARDOFCUPS WILL FEATURE Bring On Those Gunmen Christian Endeavor Units Gather In Convention At Friends Church MASSMAN TO SPEAK AT OPENING EVENT Salem Pastors Participate In Program; Women to Present Drama Three honor cups are offered at the 40th annual convention of the Columbiana County Christian Endeavor union, which convenes at 9 m. Friday at the Salem First Exactly two hours and twenty- seven minutes after taking her first instructions, Charlotte Hodgkinson astonishcxl everyone but herself when she at Curtiss Field, L. I. Charlotte says she a bit nervous and her instructor added that she handled the plane like a veteran.

composed of Robert Hanna, C. M. Aten, William E. Russell, D. Morgan and Jacob Harbaugh.

The group met a year later on' April 1G, 1847. and the first officers' CUSTOMS UNION RENOUNCED AT GENEVA EVENT chooen were: President, Myers: vice president. William secretary, John McCly- monds: treasurer, Fisher A. Block RAINFALL AIDS CORN CROP ON COUNTV FARMS Friends church The registration cun will be awarded the society registering the largest, number of delegates for the convention. The mileage cup i will be awarded to delegates on I number of miles to and from the I place of the convention and nnle- for each church from the same I city.

Attendance Prize Points counted for the attend; ance cup will be on delegates registered and attendance at the ses- sions. Awards will be at the evening session, with Miss Mabel Heddleston, of East Liverpool, county treasurer, making the presentation. Glen Massman or Dayton, executive secretary for the Ohio Christian union, will be a guest at the convention, and will be in charge of the conference," a fca- OFFICIAL GIVES SURVEY OFTRIP MADE IN EUROPE Optimistic Views Filed On Economic Troubles In Foreign Nations HOOVER DEBT PLAN AID TO RELATIONS Germany, Russia Appear, In Better Condition; Good Will Reigns som. A board of managers was com- 1 Month of August Is Boon jture of the afternoon program. At posed of Leonard Hanna.

Warren ,1 Growth Observer 10 he will give echoes from Looking for nice, tough gunmen of New York for targets, Allie Denting and Fred York, two lean and lank backwoodsmen from Maine, are shown arriving' in Gotham to bring down a few gangsters with their expert aim. The two men are employed as hunting guides in Maine, and are shots'' when it comes to deer. En raged by New York baby-killings, Allie and Fred are out gunning for metropolitan Hanna. Warren Peters, James J. Caldwell, William E.

Russell and Jacob Harbaugh. First Fair Held In The first county fair, however, was held here during the early fall Copeland States LISBON, Sept. are a I of 1849, the fair grounds taking in mat of green, fall pastures are in Germany, Austria Concur that part of Washington street and! excellent condition and a heavy acreage now occupied by manufac- 1 corn crop is Lawrence H. turing plants. The Agricultural Soc-I Copeland, co-operative weather iety was reorganized, server, declared today.

good seed March 5, On Proposed Discard Of Project Storekeepers who have trouble enough already, tc put it mildly, are warned to prepare for a sales tax. Senators Smoot and Watson, who know about national finances, agree that the tax must go through because a deficit of 1,500 millions dollars faces this country in 1932. Seme say those ho have it forgetting that many cf the who have it" are changed now to the who cnce had it." the state and international con ventlons. Rev. R.

D. Walter, pastor of the Presbyterian church, will lead the opening song service of the convention, which will be followed bv a praise and devotional service in charge of Charles Wilhelm of Salem. Pastors Will Speak Addresses of welcome will be MOTION PICTURE say "Hollywood should be deflated," whatever that means, and object, especially, to the salary of one young lady, supposed to get a week. Perhaps she get so much, but if she does get it she earns it. The laborer Is worthy of her hire, even under Klicg lights.

GENEVA. Sept. -Germany and Austria, acting through their eign ministers at the Pan-European commission, today renounced the customs union they proposed sev- I eral months ago. Delegates Agree Dr. Johan Schober, attending for Austria, said his government had arranged with Germany to pursue the matter no further, and Dr.

Julus Curtius of Germany concurred. I Their action anticipates a de! rision by the world court, to which the customs arrangement was re- cxhibitors for an opinion. Spokesmen for France. Italy and Czechoslovakia cordially welcomed I the decision of Austria and many, Dino Grandi, Italian foreign minister, describing it as a prom- se of distinct improvement in the economicc conditions. Closer Relations Loom Dr.

Curtius expressed the conviction that a realization of the (Continued on Page 4) CHICKEN THIEF I BELIEVED SHOT of the First Friends, and Rev. Walter. Other ministers who will have (Continued on Page 4 1851 at which time John bed is being prepared for wheat Ferrall was named president, and and the seeding of wheat in the given bv Rev Leonard Hanna, vice president. of will 1 At a meeting of the board of next week. A few fields of wheat managers, Feb.

2, 1853, the group have already been Rain Aids Crops The month of August, according I to Copeland, was a most pleasant month, aside from the first week. 1 after which no extreme heat vailed. The rainfall last month was abundant, and was well disturbed throughout the entire month. Rain fell 11 days, and ample for all field work and plant growth. One year ago a severe drouth prevailed, all fields being parched and dry, and only 1.16 inches of rain having been recorded for the month as against a record of 5.11 inches for the last month.

The NATION TACKLES TASK OF GIVING AID TO JOBLESS U. S. Chamber of Commerce Committee Begins Relief Campaign GEORGE TO END COUNTV SERVICE Effort to Rob Place Near Hanoverton Frustrated by Chester Conser Efforts to rob the chicken house of Arthur Conser, north of Han- heaviest rainfall last month in a overton, were frustrated Wednes- I given 24 hours was Aug. 10 when day night when one of three i 1.05 inches of rain fell. thieves is believed to have been Maximum Heat 80.8 shot and wounded by 16- Mean maximum temperature for year-old son Chester.

August last was 80.8 and the mean Seeing the thief sneak into the minimum was 59.8 The mean tem- filfTheaters imppratiVe for European chicken house shortly after 9 p. m. I perature was 69.8, with a maximum worth $30 So a rvmbnriv cooperation had increased appro- yesterday, the youth ran into the of 95 degrees Aug. 21 and the min- 1 cverJbody ciably in the past few months, and returned with a shotgun and snouin Dt grateiui. asserted that closer economic co- 1 fired at him.

Nothing is cheaper, no matter operation between nations is the i John C. Litty to Succeed Incumbent In Post of Treasurer Tuesday LISBON, Sept. Treasurer Fred George will close his four year service Saturday, and will be succeeded next Tuesday by John C. Litty of Salem. It has been estimated that Mr.

George and his staff has handled approximately 10 000,000 or more during his two terms in this of 1 ice (By Associated Press') WASHINGTON. Sept. unemployment problem was tackled today by representatives of Amer -1 lean industry through a committee of the United States Chamber of Commerce. The committee, headed by Henry I. Harriman, of Boston, met at the chamber headquarters here to draft a report on the basis of many months ol investigation.

Ranker Heads Group Meanwhile, the chamber's first president, Harry A. Wheeler, Chicago banker, was organizing a committee under President unemployment relief organization, to find means of increasing employment. Indiana City Free From Taxes in SIDNEY. IND. Sept.

3. Some good news came out of this town today. The town board found that so much money was collected for taxes this fall that the amount will be more than enough to care everything In 1932. Therelore no tax was levied tor 1932, Sidney Is a small incorporated town in the southeast part of Kosciusko county. WELLSVILLE MAN ADMITS HOLDUPS Guilty Pica Entered By Harry May hue; Confesses Robberies (By Brusb-Moore Leased Wire) EAST LIVERPOOL.

Sept. 3. Harry May hue, of 1621 Lincoln (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Sept. cf State Henry L. Stimson returned frcm abroad today with an optimistic prediction that a lasting structure of peace and economic prosperity will be built on tire foundation laid by President debt moratorium and the recent seven power conference in London.

During his two month stay in Europe, the secretary of state attended the London conference and held with the prime ministers of England, France, Germany and Italy. Asked by newspapermen for views about the general financial situation throughout the Stimson replied: Reviews Situation think there is now good reason to believe tliaL European statesmen, taking advantage of the respite granted by Mr. moratorium as well as the of the London conference, are beginning gradually to lay the foun- I datlons of political good will, upon which a lasting structure of peace and economic prosperity caty finally be I Reviewing the eventful happen- 1 ings in Europe during recent months, Secretary of State Stimson continued: "The month which has elapsed since of the seven power conference in London has given us a chance to begin to appraise the result of that conference and of the various meetings which have ceded and nave followed It. German Confidence Renewed the information which come to me I believe that Germany has received a new spirit of oour- age and confidence. The result of the recent plebiscite in Prussia; the fact that on the day when the German banks reopened the deposits exceeded the together with many other similar indications, all points to more hopeful conditions and spirit.

more encouraging have been the meetings of the French and German Minister Laval and Chacellor Bruening have begun to tlie vital political questions which divide their countries. same Is true of the meetings what it earns, than the exceptional onlv way of improving economic personality. The thief, Conser said, fell di- Cheerful news from Rome. Pope Pius XI and Mussolini, the powerful, agree on a settle- Continued on Page conditions in Europe. said Dr.

Schober. after he had announced that Austria would abandon the customs union, this declaration will contribute materially to clearing of the atmosphere so that the govern- i ments may cooperate constructive- EM PER, ATE RES ly- The declaration which I have just made should serve to restore SALEM WEATHER REPORT reciprocal confidence. The im- Ycsterday, nocn 68 portant thing now is that ccllaty'- Yeaterday, 6 p. 57 ration should in fact take place Midnight 59 and that practical results should imum cf 45 Aug. 31.

The greatest daily range of 36 degrees was recorded Aug. 6 There were thunder storms Aug. 26 and 30. The last month had 11 clear days. 13 partly clcudy days and seven cloudy days.

Records checked by state examiner wide movement disclose that every cent received i 10 on by the churches Wheeler was appointed yesterday 1 1 VC by Walter Gifford, national re- ave. WelLsville. who pleaded guilty of lief director, as chairman of the! Wednesday before Municipal Judge! Ji Britain, committee on employment plans! Harry Brokaw to a highway and suggestions. bery charge in connection with the The relief organization also an- holdup of Dr. N.

Bailey Tues- nounced today through Fred C. i day night, confessed today that he Croxton, assistant director, a na- held up and robbed Dr W. A. Hobbs reetly after the shot, and was assisted from the farm bv two other men. Columbiana county authorities were notified, Sheriff W.

J. Barlow detailing Deputies George Hayes and Roy Lewton for the investiga- Followed DV tion. No trace of the men was ob- n. rained Kiots In Barcelona Efforts to ascertain whether the --------------youth had wounded the thief were BARCELONA. SPAIN, Sept.

of no avail because of swamp lands i One civil guard was reported located near the chicken house. Today, 6 a. Today, nocn Maximum Minimum Precipitation, inches 67 68 76 55 .567 be Engineers Develop Waterway Project Year Ago Today Maximum Minimum 91 64 Nation Wide (By Associated Press) City Today Max, 8 a. m. Yes.

Atlanta 72 cloudv 86 Boston 76 cloudy 84 Buffalo 60 cloudy 6 Chicago 60 clear ...74 Cincinnati 58 clear 76 Cleveland 62 partly 64 Columbus 58 clear 74 Denver 58 clear 80 Detroit 62 cloudv 68 El Paso 68 partly 88 Kansas Citv 68 partly 80 Los Angeles 68 cloudy 76 Miami 84 partlv 88 New Orleans 76 cloudv 90 New York 72 cloudv 86 Pittsburgh ...60 cloudy ...74 Portland. Ore. 66 partly 86 St. Louis 64 clear ...74 Ran Francisco 58 partly 64 Tampa 80clear ...94 Washington 72 cloudy 90 WASHINGTON. Sept.

engineers have worked out plans for the development of the St. Lawrence waterwav which call for two dams in the international section. With the two dam system as a basis for agreement, it was said on high authority today that the United States is ready to proceed immediately on negotiations with Canada to push forward the project. Canadian and American engineers heretofore have disagreed on necessity for two dams, the Canadians holding out for two and the Americans maintaining that only one would be necessary. BANDIT SHOOTS BANK CASHIER Buffalo Banking Official Wounded Four Times in Holdup: Refuses To Obey Order killed and three other persons seriously wounded here in secret fighting which accompanied a general strike that began today.

The strike was called by ists in an effort to force the dismissal and punishment of Civil Governor Apguera De Sojo, because the governor had refused to release political prisoners. has been accounted for. Before being elected to the of- I fice of county treasurer, Mr. George was attached to the federal Inter- i nal revenue department. county treasurer certainly brings one in contact with a lot of Mr.

George declared to- I day. office is one where you have an opportunity to study hu- man nature, and at the same time make A lot of Mr. George has not announced his future plans. of Main boulevard on August 1, police said. Both holdups were staged as the placed their automobiles in garages alter answering sick calls.

The Hnbb.s holdup confession was obtained after several questioning, Police Captain Mie.on Conley Mayhue denied two car holdups and other robberies about he fu- i whicii he was questioned, police 1 said. Banker Not Guilty Croxton said Protestant, Catholic and Jewish churches had pledged their coopeNation. Survey 1,000 Cities The chamber committee was expected to devote two days to drafting a report which officials of the organization hoped would make recommendations not only for dealing with the relief problem, but for stabilizing employment In ture. A survey undertaken by the com- mittee of 1,000 cities has indicated; tJ that most of them are prepared to I 1 til lliiA It was very evident in each of the countries I visited tlxat the spirit and policy of the moratorium was highly appreciated and wan proving helpful in many directions. MASONIC LODGES MEET IN SALEM Perry Unit Will Be Host at Event Scheduled at Temple Here On September 16 MrLLERSBURG, Sept.

3-William A. Miller, former president of the Farmers and Merchants bank, pleaded not guilty and asked a venue change at his preliminary ancjtheone hearing yesterday on charges of forgery and embezzlement. Actress Exonerated In Alienation Suit LOS ANGELES. Sept. Booth, heroine of the motion picture stood absolved I BUFFALO, N.

Y. Sept. Chauncey Williams, 45, castiier ot the bank of Angola, 20 miles south of here, was shot four times and seriously wounded early today by one of two bandits who held up Williams and Justice of the Peace Robert J. Laverty, of Angola, on a lonely stretch of road just outside that village. One bullet pierced neck and the other three entered his back.

Justice Lavertv was fired at by the other bandit but escaped unhurt. The bandits made their escape in an automobile with Ohio registration plates. Williams and Lavertv were returning fram a business call at Brant when the car forced them to the side of the road. A scuffle followed when Williams refused to obey an order of one of the gunmen. Three Conventions Scheduled In Salem During Fall Months handle their own relief problems during the coming winter.

The group has also gathered information relative to various forms on unemployment insurance and plans for guaranteeing employment. Its most comprehensive study, most likely to bear fruit in the report, was made on proposals for creation of a national economic planning board to coordinate production and consumption and thus eliminate the business cycle as far as possible. GO ON STRIKE 200 Refuse To Return To Studies When Officials Pay Fare To Pittsburgh Perry lodge No. 185, F. A.

ML, will be host at a intercity Masonic lodge meeting at the Salem temple on Sept. 16. 1 Plans for this event were matte at a meeting of Perry lodge nesday evening at the temple. Allen lodge of Columbiana wiH put on the Master Mason degree. Lodges includes in the meet are: Salem, Alliance, Lisbon, Leetonia, Columbiana and Sebrlng.

Christian Endeavor fnits Ol County ill Gather Van Blarieom Speaks At Granire Meeting Here on Friday ated the affections High Aberdeen, clear San Antonio, clear 98 Renaido, young actor, during the filming of the picture in the African wilds. After Miss Booth denied in su- of Duncan Fireman, 102, Wants Phoenix, clear 92 98 1 perior court that she carried on a Low Battleford, clear White River, cloudy Calgary, partly 36 34 42 love affair with Renaido while they were in Africa, a decision in her favor was handed down in the $50.099 damage suit brought against her by Mrs. Suzette Renaido, wife of the actor. To March In Parade LAKEWOOD, N. Sept.

3. Thomas J. Early, volunteer fireman, is put out because there was no parade this year in which he could march He is 102 and takes daily walks. Ho hopes to surpass Zaro Agha, the Turk, who claimed to be 156. of conventions Perhaps no time in the history has it entertained so many conventions in so short a period as scheduled for this autumn.

Endeavor Groups Meet First of the three planned will be held Friday when Christian En- deavorers from over Columbiana county gather at the Firet Friends church here for their 40th annual meet. All the sessions will be at Friends church, with the exception of the Fellowship banquet at 6:30 p. which will be served at the Presbyterian church. At least 75 are expected for the banquet. Arrangements are being made by the Christian Temperance union to entertain approximately 100 delegates expected here for the arfnual county convention which will be held Thursday, Oct Palestine, county president, will be in chatgp Mrs.

Bess Kuntz of Leipsic will be the main -speaker. She is state director of the Loyal Temperance legion work. Literary Event Scheduled On Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 6 and 7, the Travelers and Book clubs, leading literary organizations of Salem, will entertain the district conference of the middle east division of Ohio Federation of clubs Ths sessions will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church and wall be open to the public. The 11 counties which compose the district are: Columbiana.

Carroll, Jefferson, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Gurnsey, Belmont Monroe. Noble, Morgan and Washington. It has 56 federated clubs. Mrs. w.

H. Schwartz of Portsmouth, president of the Ohio Federation, will be a guest at the conference. Toward JLural was discussedby S. N. Blarieom at a meeting of Perry grange Wednesday evening at the hall, Franklin rd.

After Van Blaricom's talk the members discussed the subject generally. Current events were given by Homer Kerr, Miss Ava Barnes contributed a poein. The inspection of the grange will be on Oct. 7 by Homer Williams, of Lisbon, county deputy. PITTSBURGH.

With almost 200 students from near Pittsburgh, on strike because ol refusal of ichool authorities to pay their full fare to Pittsburgh high schools, parents of the striking today made plans to protest to the board of education. i Scores of students waited at the car stops along the street car line i today and refused to board the cars i when the motornien demanded their fares. The board had formerly paid full fares to the schools. On the mg day of school announcement was made that only half the fare would be paid. Parents of the children who held the protest meeting said many were unable to pay fare for their children.

Police Chiefs Elect OOLUMBUS, Sept. were installed by the newly- formed Ohm association of chiefs of police at the first annual meeting here yesterday. They are William lan, Cincinnati, president; Hiarry E. French, Columbus, and Homer O. Wolfe, Marietta, vice presidents, and L.

B. Miller, Lakewood, tary. Too Bad Owen Knife Wounds Fatal Plane Crash Fatal To Three In Italy Thomasson' 3 FERRARA. ITALY, Sept. 3.

A wounds received in a fight two anvd lwo wm' klIi weeks ago. Hickman, was arrested pending investigation oi a of the case. i 8 into a crowd. The accident occurred after King FOR CHEVROLET Emmanuel, Air Minister SEDAN IN GOOD CONDITION.i Marshall Badcglio and the PRICED TO SELL. INQCIKE Duke of Aosta had reviewed SCHMID, ELLSWORTH CIIEVRO-' air ending Italy's first air LET GARAGE.

maneuvers. BEVERLY HILLS Sept. 3 California will stay ahead In everything or even pression. A guy out here yesterday robbed the poor farm. I think Mr.

Hoover had overlooked Owen D. Young on first relief committee and all the papers commented on it and to make up for it, he appointed him on a special one. Asking a Democrat to feed the country is almost it or Young is in a tough spot; if he feeds through the winter he will not be keeping 'em alive to vote the Republican ticket next fall. Voters remember back over two months. Yours, Will Rogers Copyright, 1931, McNaught cate, Inc..

The Salem News from Salem, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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